About the AMD Try and Buy Program
The AMD Try and Buy program aims to help businesses and organizations experience the power of high performance computing and advancement from AMD. The program is designed to streamline the way oraganizations evaluate various laptop brands using AMD technology. We offer a broad selection of laptops from our partners Lenovo, Acer, and HP plus the flexibility of letting us know the specific laptop requirements.
Loaning an AMD laptop is straightforward: create an account, browse available products from your country, and submit a request. Once the request is verified the product will be shipped for you to evaluate at your selected period. When the trial ends, an AMD representative will arrange a follow-up meeting.
We’re committed to providing you with seamless support and personalized assistance along the way of you evaluating an AMD laptop. Start discovering AMD’s cutting-edge technologies today by exploring our available products and submitting your evaluation request.
Let's Advance Together with AMD
Create your account now and start trying the latest laptops for your needs.